Sunday, July 29, 2018

I will write 50-60 product descriptions (unique, 100-125 words, SEO Optimized for 3 Focus Keywords)

I will write 50-60 product descriptions (unique, 100-125 words, SEO Optimized for 3 Focus Keywords)


 Feel free to message me on fiverr for custom price quotes for orders and for examples of my high converting product descriptions.

Writing Product descriptions are my specialty. Use that to your advantage! I will write engaging product descriptions that convert!

My Winning Product Description Formula:

  • Keywords: Using Google AdWords, SEMRush, and Spyfu I usually choose 2-4 keywords that have a monthly search volume between 1,000 and 10,000. I do my best to find a mix of terms/volume to bring not only traffic but also buyers with a genuine interest in your listing.
  • Bullets: I try to keep the bullets around 250 characters each. In my opinion, anything longer tends to look like an obvious sale. This helps increase a level of trust and familiarity between you and the reader and will hopefully encourage them to buy.
  • Description: For the description, I tend to follow a structure that has given my past clients a lot of success. It creates a logical flow of information that's persuasive as well as engaging.
  • Credibility: (builds trust between your brand and the buyer, gives an indication of quality)
  • Benefits/Features: (reinforces the key points)

Moneyback Guaranteed!


ken514:Wonderful professionalism at its finest.

erikasaves:There were some issues because of the small delay but in general it was positive experience.

cloudwavemarket:Thank you so much!

sherri521:Great work, very efficient!

metteglargaard:Went beyond and above

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