Friday, August 3, 2018

I will design a profitable niche for coaches

I will design a profitable niche for coaches


You're A Coach Who Wants To Design A Profitable Niche

As a coach, you know that a niche is much more profitable than just being one among hundreds of generic coaches. 

The secret to charging more is to design a niche where you're an obvious expert. 

With A Niche, You Can Charge More For Your Services And 
Attract Targeted Clients 

Without a niche, you're a coach who doesn't stand out. You struggle and fight to make enough money. Here's what happens:

► You’re not seen as a specialist. 
► You can't charge more than the low "market rate" of generic coaches. 
► You're constantly chasing new clients, and that's not efficient or profitable. 

Design A Niche Where You're An Expert And Charge More

Expect these results:

► You're positioned as an expert because you are one. 

► You have an easier time getting new clients because you have a sought-after specialty.

► Clients stay with you longer and that's more profitable.

Deliverables: What You Get

 2-Hour Phone Coaching Interview to design a profitable niche for you.

► Design of a profitable niche.

► Written niche description you can use in marketing.







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